La LA LaNd

La LA LaNd
La LA LaNd

Monday, November 28, 2011

NiGhT oF ThE cHaMpIoN... we are the champion..

ok ok everybody please calm your self down... i know this is my second post of the day and ini tandanya saya dilanda kebosanan.. hey look at the bright side .. at least uolls tak lah rasa bosan kan kan kan and maybe after uolls baca post ini hidup korang akan lebih ceria.. well who knows right.. nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing. Enough with MUKADIMAH  here come....

                                                              ~ CHAPTER 2 ~

balik je daripada kem 1 murid 1 sukan tu .. malamnya terus gi tgk perlawanan hoki antara malaysia Vs India... percaturanya ialah .. pada mulanya chat dengan iskandar pasal hoki and then dia ajak gi tgk so apa lagi dah ada peluang kan tgk je la.. kalo x tak tgk rugi pula. dengan siapa sy pergi of coz la dgn cik SIKIN.. sampai je kat stadium org dah ramai and iskandar and the geng dah chop kan tempat..duk depan...

pergi tengok game hoki tu juga dapatlah jumpa budak2 cili yang kutip-kutip bola... hurmmm i'm so proud to call them my students.. even just kutip bola tapi besar jasanya ok.. i'm proud of you afiq, hairee, hanafee, akram and iezam.

and the best part of the night is malaysia menang 5-1.and go to final against Australia  .whoaaaa good game guys!!!

                                                                  ~ CHAPTER 3~

final night: malaysia vs australia.. its a very nerve wracking night watching that match boleh buat sakit jantung.. 1st autralia score and then malaysia .. untill mata terikat 2-2 and permainan bersambung hingga ke masa tambahan..tak sampai berapa minit main terus malaysia jaringkan gol kemenangan and pa lagi bergegar la stadium tu.. penyokong malaysia and orang johor memang terbaek lah... lepas je habis bagi2 hadiah utk para pememang,, penonton dibenarkan untuk turun ke turf and beramah mesra dengan pemain.. so apa alagi ni la masanya untuk posing2.. 

player australia memang sporting la.. even coach diaorang pun tergolong dalam orang- orang yang sporting....  ^^

pysical activities

1st of all .. i'm wanna apologize coz it take a while for me to write something on this blog.. but wait no more bebeh here come the story of my life.. i know you all eager to know what i've been  doin even though some of you know what going on with my life.. but ada aku kesah?.. tak kira nak cite jugak!!!

                                                                CHAPTER 1

On 8-10 November 2011 i had a busy  Schedule coz i need to go to attend a camp.. kem 1 murid 1 sukan.. its a lot of fun and the part i can't forgot is when i need to teach how to play sepak takraw.. hello.. saya sendiri pun tak pernah main macamana nak ajar.. hahaha tapi bedal je la yang penting confident ..

 At that kem also is the place for reunion ... reunion with all my old friends from falkulti sains sukan UPSI ..daripada junior sampailah ke abang senior ..cerita daripada sem 1 nga nga smpailah putus cinta masa konvo.. hehehe.. good time.. good time

kem tu juga give me opportunities to kenal ngan budak2 TDS yang memang selama ni jarang jumpa and kurang bergaul mesra.. they all cool people... and senang nak handle... good kid with cool teachers .. oh ye kau pun cool juga syed. heehe 

                   tO bE cOnTiNuEd....